Saturday, 4 May 2013

Kaun mera, kya tu laage...

It was November, and I was all excited to rush to Bangalore to bring my sister,Uma(Didi) home.She was to deliver a baby soon.My gut feeling was strong that it would be a  princess.
She was home with a big tummy and I wondered what pot of Gold was inside her.
Jiju and I had arguments often on whether it was going to be a princes or prince.The arguments were backed with baseless justifications from both the ends.
This was followed by "If it a Prince/Princess, I'd......" sessions.

December 21st

Uma was taken to the operation theater and I escorted her till the vestibule of the O.T and then as per the hospital rules, i was to wait outside with my parents, jiju, uncle who were filled with anxiety.

The clock ticked 12:04 p.m and we saw the nurse come out say "Its a girl".And ther you see I won!

Being the youngest one in the family, the biggies of the family first made it to into the Post-op ward to take the first look of the princess.Everyone came out and was describing the baby bud.They said you is beautiful, you is pink, you has lots of hair.I wasn't able to draw the picture, as i had never seen moments old baby.
I asked everyone if they got the opportunity to touch the baby.The answer came with a logical and scientific theory that the baby was really small and touching or holding it wouldn't be good for the child now.

Being the youngest in the family, i was the last one to left to take her first look for whom i was arguing all the while you were still growing in my sisters womb.
I was really anxious and nervous.I did not know how to react.I went inside and i saw pink baby wrapped in a white sanitized towel, lying over a cute little bed, just enough for her.You had cute little round eyes,that winked every now and then.I couldn't find your hands or legs as you were under the wraps. I was watching you from a distance, when a nurse came and put my princess into my hands. That was the baby's first touch. I had no idea of how to hold you. The nurse came yelling "This isn’t the way you can hold the baby" and you put her over my shoulder. Your towel slid down her waist, and when i held her close to my heart, there was a resonance-her heart stroke with mine. My little princess opened her mouth round and gave a big, loud cry !
That was the first pulse i felt and without even my little notice, tears of happiness just rained down my eyes.I came out excited, elated, exhilarated. I was feeling so proud that i was the first one to hold the baby.
Walking out of the Post op room, the nurse called me and said "Tum pe hi jayeigi".This statement filled more of happiness to my already animated mood.

Then was followed by series of calls to kith and kin informing them about the pot of gold.
The next big fight was for "Who would be the first one to give her honey".
While the whole of the family was busy in deciding who and when should the honey given to the baby, i smeared honey on my finger and stealthily slid my finger into your mouth and then gave the declaration that the baby was done with the honey licking program and that people  might get busy with other more important things.

The next big Battle was for the NAME!
Everyone had a different name to call her-some called cutie, some sweetie, some laddu, some chinnu!
While the naming ceremony was still 20 days away, we had days and nights submitted to understanding you,  our newly registered kid in our family list.
Every hour or hour and a half we used to find her cry of hunger, the first little screech of her throat, i used to be up right at the  table mixing lactogen to feed my baby. It was a herculean task as you didn’t know how to drink the spoon fed lactogen. Every drop of milk you rolled down your throat gave a warm feeling from within.

You were brought home from hospital and along with you came celebrations home!
The new year was really special for us, You were definitely the reason.

Nights were spent in rocking you in my arms and making all different sound that were never ever made before just to keep  watching you.
At home, we were working in shifts and mine was generally the night shift. The shift system was made just for our convenience but one scream, everybody was up from the bed putting you to bed.

I joined work and one day talking to my colleagues i found myself rocking as though the you were still in my arms.My friends knocked me at the way i was making sounds and faces, EMBARRASSING!
I was an office addict.History has it that there have hardly been any instances when i used to return home early.But noy you see, i was home early, earlier than ever before.I was now a whining kid to go to office leaving you.:(

It was your naming ceremony  the 21st day.Your aunts-Kittu and Geetu had reached a common name beginning with CH as per the suggestion of the astrologer.On the 10th of Jan 2013, we whispered your name into your ears-CHARVI.That was you-my cute little pearl. That was for records any way,I loved calling you as Betu, chinna pandu, small fruit, sweet fruit, cutie pie, sweetie pie, charvi gold, singh is queen....and any random name that came to my mind.:)

You were and are my pride. I was driven so crazy.....I had all the time under the sky to record your noisy, complaining, seasoned with your nakhraas and  whines and show it to all my friends and explain them what was in your whine...Sounds silly!

When you sleep over, you used hold my kurta so tightly, it always felt me privileged that you found that great protection in me.I was a proud aunt!

You were growing each day.With all freedom, you used to pee, poo and puke over me. Then I used get into the cleaning section, cleaning you as well as myself.
It was fun watching you grow, make sounds, move.You also became naughty and started chewing my nose off when i ever held you close to my face to kiss.
World feels so much a bliss to watch you smile and laugh!I would sell the world and buy a whole new world for you just to watch you smile.

My day began with you pulling my hair or giving me a  massage on my bums or tummy ,with your unintentional kicks and punches, lying beside me. It used end with your chuckles and see you sleep cozy in my lap. 

And suddenly we were storm hit-Charvee was gone to her place You tatafied us creating such a huge void in us!
All that we do now is to see, see you on skype. The feel is missed!

Charvee, when you grow to the age of comprehending things, do read this, this is for you:

Kaun mera, kya tu laage
kyun tu baandhe, man se man ke dhaage..
Bas chale na mera tere aage...

Chod karna tu kanhi, dur ab jaana, tujhko kasam hai....
sath rehna jo bhi ho tum, jhooth ya sach hai, ya bharam hai.
Apna banaane ka jatan kar hi chuke ab to
Baiyan pakad kar aaj chal
Main doon bata sabko

Kaun mera, kya tu laage
kyun tu baandhe, man se man ke dhaage..
Bas chale na mera tere aage...